The Woodies Guide to looking after your surfboard

The Woodies Guide to looking after your surfboard


If you’ve had the joy of crafting your own surfboard with us  it is no doubt your pride and joy and you’ll want to treat it with care to ensure longevity.

 Here are our tips on maintaining and keeping your board in pristine condition and ensuring many more memorable rides.

Why is the bung so important?

The cardinal rule of wooden surfboards - don’t forget the bung (We've even created a T Shirt about it ! )

When using the board, have the bung screwed in to make it watertight, then after surfing remove the bung to release pressure and promote airflow. It's like giving your board a little breather after a hard day's work!

How to avoid a board meltdown?

Avoid extreme temperatures, as this may have adverse effects on wooden surfboards. Avoid leaving your board in direct sunlight or in a hot car, this can discolour the timber over time. Having a Goretex air vent installed in your board is like giving it a little window to breathe in some fresh air!

Remember, your surfboard is not just a piece of wood - it's your soul companion for your surfing adventures

Treat it right and it will reward you with many many years of stoke.