So you've bought a surfboard kit? What next?

Well firstly, congratulations on embarking on an exciting and rewarding journey.
First things first is to ensure you've got a good step up for the board making process, while you don't need a huge space you will need enough room for the creation of your board - whether it be in your garage or covered back deck.
Have a thorough read through the instruction guide and watch a few of our time lapse videos of our classes so you have a general understanding of the full process. Lay out all your materials and ensure nothing is missing. Set aside ample time to make your board, you can certainly chip away at it over time, we recommend at least 1 week - this factors in drying time and allows you to go at a comfortable pace and enjoy the process.
The main components of your board will include the following; Rails, Ribs, Skins, Nose & Tail blocks, internal fiberglass, brass screw vent and leash plug. Whether you buy the Premium or DIY Customised kit, will determine how much you need to prep your materials.
Glue is not included in our kits, so you will have to source this yourself, have a read of our last blog post detailing our glue tips and recommended products.
Other crucial items you need; pegs, tape, a breather fabric, timber for your fin box, plus fin boxes, plastic vacuum bag and connection, packers, glue dispenser bottles, rags, thinners and sandbags or similar. Many of these items can be purchased via our online store, but for some you may have these items already.
Remember safety first - you’ll be working with glue, nails, dust, machinery so ensure you have the right PPE; gloves, safety glasses, ear muffs and dust mask. We recommend covering your workbench with a drop sheet or plastic covering when working with glue.
In terms of equipment and tools - you'll need a hand plane, block plane, nail gun, rasp, sanding paper, drill, jigsaw and a vacuum.
A great idea is to join forces with a friend and make a board each other, it's a great bonding experience and more hands make for lighter work.
If you have the means of filming your process by way of a time lapse - we recommend that so you can marvel at the journey you took once the board is completed. Otherwise definitely take progress photos along the way so you can see how your board gradually comes alive.
Take a photo of your completed masterpiece and send us a photo, we’d love to see your board in all its glory.