And just like that - our final class of 2022 ..

And just like that - our final class of 2022 ..

We’ve wrapped up our final 4 day board course of 2022, taking place last month. A rainy weekend that was, perfect to be in doors woodcrafting and sharing surfing stories. 

Now there’s four stoked blokes with new wooden surfboards just in time for the Christmas summer holidays. 

The East coast (and hopefully beyond!) will be graced with another few Dawn’s and a glorious Bob. Two of our most popular board styles.   

We welcomed back a past student and winner of our Mates Helping Mates flood appeal raffle from earlier this year. A trying time for all but ever grateful for the generous donations and honored to be able to gift a spot in our board course

The days leading up to the course sees the workshop whip into action to prep the materials and set up the space for a busy 4 days of hard work and good times. Each student can testify the high that comes along on the last day seeing their personal board in its complete beauty. These courses are a great way to disconnect from busy routines and reconnect back with yourself, working with your hands and using your mind in new ways. 

You can make your own Bob or Dawn with the help of our at home kits, our Premium kits include all the essentials and will be the closest possible experience to an in person course with us. We have made the Premium Kit to be easy yet challenging and rewarding to all those who embark on the journey. 

It’s bittersweet to end another year, always flying by too fast - but exciting times lay ahead and 2023 has a lot in store. 

Email us at or contact us if you want to be receive our Bywater Surf email updates, especially the release of our 2023 course dates if that’s sparking your interest.